Sunday, January 29, 2017

Another week in and out! What did I do?

It's the end of the month, and what did I get done this week?  Well, outside of reading...I finished an 8 in. x 8 in. caricature portraiture of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.  Also, thanks to the generosity of its owner, I was able to get a better photo of a recently finished painting--you might recognize it.  As always, prints are available.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

In the Last Week!

What is a week in the life of the average artist like? I don't know... Still, here is what mine was like. Last Friday I hung out with the great folks of "Why You Should Vlog" and I had a great time as always! Here is a preview of the first video and a preview of the next to come!

Later that weekend, I made a very special delivery! I finally finished a 17 in. x 17 in. acrylic painting to its new owner. This is an Impressionist style painting of Sherlock Holmes & John Watson at night called, "Les Lampes à gaz fantomatique echouent à vingt pieds."  

On Saturday I went with a group to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The "Beyond Caravaggio" exhibit was one of the best things I was able to see. I saw lots of wonderful things, like a possible family member from arts past!!!

Me and my dad on the train!

Hanging with Mr. Caligula!

Look at my terrible posture! Me and my long-lost cousin!

As this week starts, I will be working on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Prince. So keep reading!

The Philadelphia Sketch Club 157 Small Oil Paintings 2020 show

  My oil painting "Deb" was excepted into the very prestigious "The Philadelphia Sketch Club 157 Small Oil Paintings 2020 sh...