Thursday, July 31, 2014

A little problem...

Sometimes things happen. You start working on something, and you miss a detail you should have seen. That was the case here. The brother furthest left on the picture has hair that disappears into the background. So what is to be done? Well first, ask the client for another photo from the time period. In this case, we could not get one. The client informed me her other two brothers had the same type of hair. So now we will copy the other boy's styles and try and make it look natural! Keep an eye out for the next installment!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Vintage Family Portrait Commission!

Have you ever wondered what happens when an artist is asked to do a drawing or painting from an old photograph? Follow along, and I’ll show you when it happens to me! A woman asked me to do a drawing of her and her four brothers from the sixties! First, we asked, “What do you want? How big? Do I need to frame it for you?” Then, and only then, do we talk price. After that, I take a reference picture and place it in my “Artograph Prism Projector”. With a 30 inch x 22-1/2 inch piece of high-end drawing paper, I turned on the projector and traced out all the lines needed to start!

In the next installment, you will see me filling the faces!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hey everyone! I am setting this up!!!! Please bear with me!!!

The Philadelphia Sketch Club 157 Small Oil Paintings 2020 show

  My oil painting "Deb" was excepted into the very prestigious "The Philadelphia Sketch Club 157 Small Oil Paintings 2020 sh...